Mosquitos are animals that are responsible for transmitting diseases among humans. Whatever might be the reality, but every organism in this world has its own day. Like so, Mosquitos have their day on 20th August every year.
This day has been dedicated in order to create awareness among humans about mosquitos. Every organism has two kinds, is male and female. Female Mosquitos have their main food as the blood of any organism. Here organism doesn't mean only humans, these mosquitos suck blood from animals and even from other kinds of mosquitos. However, this world has a variety of organisms, only three kinds of mosquitos are dangerous. These three types are Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex. Aedes and Anopheles are well-known mosquitos in recent periods. Sir Ronald Ross is the person who discovered the transmission of malaria through Anopheles. He was discovered in 1897. He even raised a request for World Mosquito Day to raise awareness among people about mosquitos. Ronald Ross was a mathematician, artist, novelist, editor, and composer too. These Anopheles Mosquitos are of 430 species but only 30 to 40 of those mosquitos spread diseases like malaria.
The term ' Anopheles ' was termed by J.W.Meigen in 1818. Children from age 1 to 5 are mostly affected by malaria. Unicef has confirmed that malaria is the third largest killer of children from age 1 to 5 years after pneumonia and diarrhea. Nearly 4,07,000 deaths were recorded in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2016 due to malaria.
Culex mosquitos are one who has not been reached ours hears till now. This Culex Mosquito spread a disease called West Nile. This virus is mainly spread in California, the USA, Africa, and West Asia. 80% of the people affected by West Nile disease don't have any symptoms. The symptoms are as same as every mosquito has.
Aedes mosquito has created a huge loss of children in recent years. Aedes are mosquitos that are seen in Black color with white strips. These mosquitos sit and suck blood without any feel to us. These mosquitos are most active two hours after sunrise and few hours before sunset. These mosquitos usually bite in the ankles and elbows of our bodies. Dengue can be affected more than once too. Mosquitos breed in stagnant water and fly for about 300 feet and fly long for 1-3 miles from the point of breeding. Aedes mosquito also spread Chikungunya and recent Ziga Virus.
Source:- Wikipedia
Female mosquitos can produce 100 eggs at a time. Every mosquito has a lifespan of 2 months. A mosquito can find carbon dioxide from 75 feet away. Rashes occur in the spot of a mosquito bite is because when mosquitoes bite they inject their saliva. This saliva reacts with our skin and causes bumps, itches, etc. Insect repellent is one of the best modern methods but it causes lung damage and many more breathing problems. But since the 1940s, Lemon Eucalyptus Oil is one of the best ways to get rid of mosquitos naturally. Even Tea Tree Oil helps in getting rid of mosquitoes naturally.
Spread the awareness of mosquitos on World Mosquito Day and save you and your environment from mosquitos and mosquito-based diseases.
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