5 Unknown Psychological Powers in Humans

 People are curious about different things in life. At times, it leads them to self-improvement. It is essential to know about something that can make you emotionally stronger. You may have come across some articles or videos about psychological powers, but I am pretty much sure that this article will add up some more points to your list.

The Power of The Smile

A smile is a simple gesture that can be traced back to a newborn infant. The smile is a symbol of happiness and it’s connected to our emotional well-being.

In the book ‘The Art of Happiness, His Holiness the Dalai Lama writes, “Human communication can be either through words or through physical contact, but most important of all is human affection… This can be communicated through the simple act of smiling at each other.”

The power of a smile shouldn’t be underestimated, as it has been found to have benefits ranging from reducing stress to helping us live longer. A study published in the Journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that smiling reduced stress hormones in our bodies during stressful situations. This was even true for participants who forced a smile on their faces when they weren’t happy!

Smiling can also help us live longer. A study published by Wayne State University found that those who smiled more often in photos lived 7 years longer than those who smiled less frequently in pictures. So, next time you take a photo with a friend or family member don’t forget to flash your pearly whites!

The Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is essentially your mind believing that something is a certain way, and then your body reacts accordingly. 

The Nocebo Effect

This is the opposite of the placebo effect. If you believe something will cause harm, it will often do so, regardless of whether or not it has the potential to harm you. For example, if you eat a piece of candy from a jar that says “poison” on it, you might begin to feel sick even though there are no harmful ingredients. 

Mental Visualization

Mental visualization is one of the most powerful psychological tools available to humans. It can be used for envisioning success or failure, and it has been shown to have a tremendous impact on physical performance in a variety of different sports and activities. In fact, several famous athletes have used mental visualization as a key component in their training regimen (examples included Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods).

Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk can help improve our mood and make us more

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