A very famous dialogue roaming around the world is " What is happening?". The answer for it is"Fogg is happening". But nowadays the answer has been changed from Fogg to Corona. The world is stuck hard in Coronavirus and finding multiple ways to overcome it. In this situation, we must stay home, stay calm, stay immunized, stay safe are a new version of stay dialogue. What is the first important thing you get to know when hearing the name the UK? England, Scotland is your answer. But, now a virus has been found in the UK at the end of May. 


The virus found in Uk has been named as Norona virus. The words sound similar. 154 cases have been recorded in Uk at the end of May. Norona and Corona sound similar and has almost the same effect on the human body. Uk has been relieved from Covid-19 measures and started continuing their routine. This relief might increase Coronavirus but it found a new virus called the Norona virus. The symptoms are Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and stomach pain are identified as the main symptoms. 154 cases were recorded in England, Uk. The person affected with the Norona virus is capable of shedding billions of viruses that result in making this disease a contagious disease. These viruses occur due to drinking contaminated water or contaminated food, touching contaminated surfaces causes this disease. It even causes inflammation of the stomach and intestine called acute gastroenteritis.

The virus shows its symptoms within 12 to 48 hours after getting contact with the Norona virus. It lasts up to 1 to 3 days and this may vary from person to person. Norona virus is of various types and we can provide immunity against most types. 


By only maintaining proper hand hygiene and other safety measures same as for COVID-19. Using an Alcoholic-based sanitizer is best. Rinse your fruits and vegetables before use. Wash your hands before eating.

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