A pyramid is an excellent place in this world. Up to the date mysterious in the pyramid is continuing. Archaeologists are confused with the structure of the building and its process of building. Finding mystery from Egypt pyramid is one of the main jobs for archaeologists. Digging the earth to find ancient periods culture, science and their day to day life is interesting. In that way, we are going to see about the mysteries of the pyramid.
Egyptian people have their way of culture. In that way, the peoples living in Egypt believe the life after death culture. This culture believes that a person who expired has his life after death too. So whenever a person has died he is buried under the soil. With this, even the wealth and all his belongings will be buried to enjoy life after death. This culture went smoothly. But when the days pass by graveyard thieves emerged. After the person is buried and the people left that place. These thieves undo the digging and steal the wealth of the person and enjoy it in their life. After knowing this people started building something firm making the thieves difficult to steal. After burying the person and his wealth, a large stone will be kept one another one and finally reached this pyramid shape. King Sneferu build a pyramid during his lifetime and after his death, as planned he was buried in his pyramid.
After King Sneferu, his son King Kufu came into power. People situated there were building their own pyramid. King Kufu thought to build his best one in the world and to beat his father. As per his order, people followed. First 2 pyramids were designed but King Kufu wasn't satisfied. The third one made him settle. This is the pyramid that we regard as The Pyramid of Giza. The other two pyramids are the one that is at right and left. The process for building is so immense even in this period.
Nearly 20,000 people were used to do this job. This building process took 20 years. The stones used in the pyramid weighs about 12 to 70 tonnes that are equal to 12 to 70 elephants. 2.3 million stones were used in this building. Archeologists and researchers are confused enough about the transportation of these 70 tonnes stones. The pyramid is full of desert, so it is considered that people transported stones through the Nile river and pulled using a crew of people. Many believe that these buildings are built by slaves, but it is actually built by expert architects and strong people. For this, the king might have called the strong and architect expert to built this building. There was a cave nearby that could make a shelter for 1200 to 2000 workers. This is one of the reasons to state that this building was not built by slaves because slaves don't get shelter. Even daily 21 cows have been made as food to these workers. This building was considered the tallest one until the Effiel Tower came into the picture. This building is 4500 years ancient building.
This building is full of mystery as we go deeper and deeper. Till now pyramid is going under research and new discovery of history. The wealth of the king is stored in a large coffin is put in a room and has made the hole for the room smaller than the size of the coffin.
The pyramid was coated with thousands of limestones making it shine in the sunlight and we people could not even see it.
This pyramid is built with mirror technology that makes the appearance of inside stones and outside stones the same.
The mortar used is researched and certified that this type of mortar can't be built with the technology we have at this period.
Whatever might be the temperature outside, but the temperature inside the pyramid will be constant, 20 degrees Celcius.
Researchers are researching this temperature inside the pyramid.
The mystery is continuing still. Many interesting topics have been found from here.
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