Many mysteries are unsolved still. The most intriguing mystery in the world is the disappearance of any vehicle, especially flights. But the mystery of flight MH370 is the world's most important mystery.
A usual journey from Kuala Lampur in Malaysia to Beijing in China. MH370 is the flight that carries passengers to Beijing. This is a regular flight. 227 passengers get in the flight with different motives. 10 cabin members and 2 pilots with 227 passengers are traveling in this flight. On March 8, 2014, 12:41 the flight took off from Kuala Lampur. The route to the destination is a straight line. This flight took off in perfect weather. After 1 hour of the journey, a message from Malayasian Air Space Control reaches the pilot to connect to the Vietnam Air Space Control for communication as they have reached the end of Malaysian Air Space. Within 1 minute the pilot must connect to the Vietnam Air Space. Vietnam Air Space is waiting for more than 2 minutes, there was no call from the pilot.
After 4 minutes, Vietnam Air Space made a call to Malaysian Air Space checking whether the flight took off or there is a delay in departure. Malaysian Air Space insisted that the flight took off 1 hour and reached Vietnam Air Space in 4 minutes. Both the countries search the flights with their respective radars. The landing time of this flight in Beijing is 5:30, 5 hours 30 minutes journey. By 5:30, the arrival of the flight at Beijing Airport is a daydream. Government can officially announce the disappearance of a flight only after crossing 4 hours of failed connection or landing. Here, the 4 hours is reached, the government officially announced the flight's disappearance and tried to find the flight with the radar.
Many ways are implemented to search the planes but all are failed. Finally, the government went on with Military Radar as it has larger connection space compared to radar in Airport. This clears out the journey of the flight. After the communication of Malaysian Air Space cut and waiting for Vietnam Air space connection, this flight made a U-turn and flew over Malaysian island and gave round in Penang island in Malaysia and started traveling towards Antarctica. Beyond Penang island, the radar couldn't make it out. They even made a try with satellite radar. This was also a flop one. They tried to even connect to the Locator Beacons of the flight which works for 40 days even if the flight crashes. It continuously produces signals for 40 days. They found 5 signals in the sea. But that we something else that is capable of sending similar signals.
The whole world is serious about finding this flight. A piece of MH370 was found in Pemba island in Africa. Some more pieces were also found but many weren't the pieces of flight MH370. Passengers relatives requested to find the flight. The last try of made by the Malaysian government to listen to the Hydrophones in under a sea. These Hyderphones collect the sounds in the sea and were checking for any massive sound in sea occurred.
Two massive sounds were recorded in Hydrophones. But these two sounds were also a natural phenomenon.
This was a mystery for 6 years. Recently, many predicted the reasons for this crashing. The pilot was the main reason for this crashing. The pilot's name was Zaharie Ahmad Shah. He was happy and 53 years old and had a co-pilot of 27 years trained by Zaharie. During the last time, he was so sad because he was supporting a political party. The party leader was arrested on 8th March 2014. For this purpose, he might have crashed himself and the passengers. He was a well-experienced pilot too. So, perfectly escaped from the radar and traveled towards Antarctica, and crashed. It is said that the flight rose 40,000 feet high which is the maximum reach limit of the flight. Hence, the passengers were killed slowly by going to the faint mode. Passengers died when the U-turn was executed by the pilot. This might be done by the pilot and co-pilot or by the only pilot. This can not be done by Auto Pilot mode because Auto Pilot mode can't execute the perfect turns in this travel. The turns in the mystery journey are so perfect that they can be done by only pilots. The last point of the journey was Penang island in Malaysia that was his birthplace. Then started traveling towards Antarctica where radars are low. The fuel for this journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing is full and even extra fuel is refilled for an emergency. So, he used this fuel to travel towards Antarctica and when the fuel level reached low, the flight glided for 200 km due to wind and crashed in the water. A private satellite announced that they had a quick connection with the flight showing that the flight is traveling here. This company marked the place where the plane could have crashed and every country started searching for the plane. Even Ocean Infinity company made a try to find this company but failed. 100 crores were the budget for this search.
The main part of this is that the Malaysian airport can track the flight departing from the Malaysian airport even after connecting to the Vietnam Air Space. They recognized the turn took by flight MH370. But they didn't even ask the pilot for the reason. This is the biggest mistake where this flight mystery starts. The pilot of flight had no black marks in his works.
The last recording recorded was the communication between Air Space. Whenever a pilot crosses a certain place, the pilot must inform the model number and some other important things to the Air space. But the pilot's last talk was " Flight will reach Destination". Before the speech, all had a model number and other necessary things to be said. But, he failed to say in the last one.
This was the biggest reason for questioning the pilot for this crashing.
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